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Older aduts making art

Creative Aging Partnership Grant

Application Deadline: March 17, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. Central Time

The Creative Aging Partnership Grant is a new funding opportunity for Oklahoma organizations to build and expand arts learning opportunities for older adults through teaching artist residencies and workshops. Applications are being accepted through March 17, 2025, for requests of up to $30,000 to support creative aging programming.

Creative Aging includes arts education and learning programs that empower older adults ages 55 and older to develop and strengthen their sense of purpose, deepen connections to community, increase health benefits, and ignite passion for learning. Extensive research has consistently shown that community-based art programs run by professional artists have powerful positive effects on older adults. These learning opportunities point to true health promotion and disease prevention that have a positive impact on reducing dependency and maintaining independence.

Oklahoma organizations and artists offer a wealth of expertise and resources to build sustainable partnerships that can serve older adults in new and innovative ways. Through this grant program, Oklahoma Arts Council will work with grantee organizations to create or expand creative aging opportunities for older adults. Organizations receiving funding will also participate in a creative aging cohort and receive professional development through one-on-one mentorship, group trainings, cohort meetings, and technical support.

This program is made possible through funding from the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET) to enhance the health and well-being of senior adults

Program Objectives


Project Activity Dates 
July 1, 2025 - May 31, 2026  (Grant Period FY2026) 

Grant Amount 
Up to 30,000 per organization (grant request cannot exceed 30% of organizations operating budget)
Match requirement: 1:1 (100%). Half of the match (50%) may be in-kind support. Matching
funds may not be other Oklahoma Arts Council funds.
Administrative fee: Grantees may allocate up to 20% of their grant award for organization salaries and administrative/operating expenses directly related to the funded project. Award amounts are determined using the grant program scoring criteria and agency priorities.

Application Opens
February 3, 2025

Informational Webinar
Rescheduled to February 19, 2025 | 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Central Time
Register Here

Application Deadline
March 17, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Central Timee

Grantee Cohort Meetings and Trainings
To be determined

Cohort Monthly Meetings
To be determined

Who Can Apply?

Organizations receiving Oklahoma Arts Council funding in other grant programs may also apply for this grant opportunity. 

What Types of Projects Can Be Supported?

Learning-based arts programs, such as classes, residencies, and workshops (frequency and duration may vary; focus should be on sequential hands-on learning)  where each participant receives six or more hours of hands-on arts engagement. 

What Expenses Are Allowable?

Funding from this program can be used to reimburse the following expenses: 

Unallowable expenses include tickets, tuition, scholarships, capital expenditures and/or building improvements, permanent art installations, activities for which college credit is given, loss of revenue, debt repayment, subgranting, duties or expenses related to fundraising and/or lobbying, activities or expenses that may advance or inhibit any religious belief, events that are not open to the public, cash prizes or awards, and hospitality expenses (i.e., food, drink, receptions, parties, galas). See the Grant Terms and Conditions for full cost principles.

How to Apply

Step 1: Your organization must be verified in the Oklahoma Arts Council grant portal before applying for this grant opportunity. If your organization is new to Oklahoma Arts Council grants, you must create a new account in the Fluxx grant portal and complete the eligibility verification process (which may take up to 15 days to review and process). If you have questions, contact our grants office at or 405-521-2040.

Step 2: Once your organization is verified, you can start an application from the Apply for Funding page. Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on the application deadline date published on the grant program guidelines. If an application deadline falls on a weekend or state holiday, the application will be due by 5:00 p.m. on the next business day. Late submissions are subject to the noncompliance policies as outlined in the General Grant Terms and Conditions

Grant Process

  1. Create a user account in the grant portal (for new users)
  2. Start and submit an application
  3. Proposal is reviewed by Oklahoma Arts Council
  4. Pre-Award Notification (if the project is selected for funding)
  5. Grantee completes and submits Pre-Award Requirements
  6. Notice of Award sent and project activity occurs
  7. Submit a mid-year report, mid-year grant payment is processed
  8. Submit a final report, final grant payment is processed



Documents and Links

General Grant Terms and Conditions
Grant System Login


Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What types of artistic disciplines can be supported? 
Answer: The Oklahoma Arts Council uses artistic quality as one of its review criteria for grants. Artistic disciplines include, but are not limited to, music, theatre, dance, literary arts, media arts, and visual arts. If you have questions about the eligibility of your project, please contact our Arts Learning in Communities Director.
Question: My organizations is already receiving funding through Oklahoma Arts Council’s other grant programs. Can I apply for this opportunity? 
Answer: Yes, eligible organizations can apply for this partnership opportunity in addition to other grants received. If you receive an award, none of the required match may come from another Oklahoma Arts Council grant award.

Grant and Reporting Requirements

Creative Aging Academy
The grantee’s key program staff will be required to attend a three-day Zoom training (6 total hours) led by Lifetime Arts. Dates and times are to be determined.

Orientation, Cohort Meetings, and Site Visits 
Upon notification of award, grantees will attend an orientation meeting with the Oklahoma Arts Council’s Arts Learning and Communities Director and Grants Director to review the program guidelines, payment request process, and general program expectations. Key program staff will attend monthly meetings on Zoom with other grantees to discuss program process, feedback, and any other topics that may arise. You may be asked to provide data in preparation for the check-in and cohort meetings, including but not limited to:

In addition, grantees will receive one-to-one mentorship from Lifetime Arts. Site visits will also be conducted by Oklahoma Arts Council to observe programs, discuss process, feedback, and other items.

You will conduct evaluations provided by Oklahoma Arts Council before and after the project activity dates. 

Payment Requests 
Oklahoma Arts Council grants are paid on a reimbursement basis, after services or products are rendered. Payments for this partnership grant will be processed in two installments: 50% of the grant in February 2025 and the remaining 50% of the grant in July 2025. A written progress report, payment request form, or other reporting requirements may be required before each payment is processed. Please see your award notification package for complete details on the payment request process.

Other Requirements
If selected for funding, grantee organizations must comply with all requirements as outlined in the Legal Assurances/General Grant Terms, grant contract, and grant program guidelines, including but not limited to the following:


About the Oklahoma Creative Aging Initiative

The Oklahoma Arts Council's Creative Aging Initiative was launched in 2021 through grant funding provided by the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) and E.A. Michelson Philanthropy. The initiative will build capacity across the state for community-based arts education programs serving older adults. Creative aging programs offer improved quality of life for this fast-growing segment of the population. Through the initiative, the Oklahoma Arts Council will offer professional development, form advisory groups, and facilitate statewide convenings

Who to Contact for Help

For questions about this grant program, contact Erika Wilhite, Arts Learning in Communities Director, at or 405-249-7615.

For questions about grant system access, contact Martyna Sandoval, Grants and Programs Associate, at or 405-521-2040.

For questions about managing your grant award, contact Thomas Tran, Grants Director, at or 405-967-3290.